Saturday, March 19, 2011

My Baby Boy--Gettin' Ole Growed Up!

Oh, Wow...Petey's getting all grown up on me. I can't believe he's well on his way to completing his time at the MTC and on to Japan. It seems just a few weeks ago I was getting him ready for high school. Then he was experiencing all of the joys of a senior in high school. In the next breath he was starting college as a freshmen with Aubrey and finding his niche in the EMT-Basic world. Now he's entering the last few weeks of his MTC experience.

Reed and I had the opportunity to visit the MTC as a guest of one of the MTC Presidency, Lon Nally. I prayed that we would only be seen by Peter if it was what he needed. He did end up seeing us, but turned around to obey the MTC rules. Lol, it is probably just as well...I would have burst into tears or something else as embarrassing.

Love that boy...he's going to be a great missionary. Hopefully, it is off to Nagoya, Japan...but we'll see. As his Mom, I know he'll do well wherever he ends up.